The application round for 2025-26 is now open! Apply by April 9, 2025 12:00 (Finnish time).
What is the purpose of the Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Program?
This comprehensive program is an enhancement program for students who, during their bachelor-level studies at a U.S. university, are interested in taking on a role as a citizen diplomat, that is they are ready to share their culture and contribute to the relations between Finland and the U.S. Grantees act as ambassadors for the Fulbright Finland Foundation programs, Finland, and (if applicable) their home institution in Finland during and after the grant period.
This program is meant for students who:
- seek to develop their potential to shape the future
- yearn to be the driving force of change in different sectors of society or academia
- aspire to advance the development in their field and find solutions to its central challenges.
Selected students also demonstrate an interest in intercultural communication, connecting with people, and becoming a part of the host community. In their application, the applicants should clearly demonstrate a strong interest in joining the Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Program and their motivation for becoming a citizen diplomat.
Eligible candidates for this enhancement program include:
- exchange students or free movers who will travel to the U.S. for one semester/academic year.
- students who travel to the U.S. to complete an entire bachelor’s degree and have already secured funding for their studies (the degree studies must begin in the U.S. during fall 2025).
Students aiming at associate degree studies or remote/online studies are not eligible to apply.
The host institution in the U.S. must be accredited.
The tremendous support and effort put in from the Fulbright Finland team made my move to the U.S. and freshman year excellent. - Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2022-23
Without the Fulbright Finland undergraduate grant I wouldn’t have had the great opportunities to connect with other Fulbright Finland students and the greater network between the U.S. and Finland that Fulbright Finland has established. - Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2022-23.
Funding Model for Degree Studies in the U.S.
The best source of funding for bachelor's degree-seeking applicants is often the U.S. university. Many universities offer significant funding to international students, so it is beneficial to be flexible and open-minded about where to apply.
The total costs of studying in the U.S. (including tuition, fees, insurance, and living costs) vary widely by institution and city. It is important to remember that the "sticker price" isn't always the net cost due to potential university funding. Please check the university website for budget estimates.
Some U.S. universities offer students need-based financial aid based on the family’s financial circumstances. Some universities cover part of the costs, such as tuition, but there are also U.S. universities that meet 100% of a student’s demonstrated financial need - also for international students. Competition for need-based aid is intense, so applicants need to be very strong candidates for the university/college they are applying to. Not all universities offer need-based aid, or they don’t offer it to international students, so be sure to check the scholarship details on the university website carefully.
U.S. universities also offer merit-based scholarships based on criteria such as academic qualifications, admissions exam results, performing arts talent, community service, and extracurricular involvement. Niche scholarships attract specific applicants based on criteria like country of origin, interests, or talents, while athletic scholarships are provided in a variety of sports for talented students to represent their university at the varsity level.
Students typically need to apply for university-provided financial aid during the university admission process. Read the information on available scholarships carefully, including the application instructions and deadlines, on the university websites.
Read more on the EducationUSA Resources page.
What are the benefits of the program?
We provide grantees with a wide range of support services to prepare them for their upcoming journey:
- Orientation training: Extensive orientation training to U.S. culture, the higher education system, and details for the upcoming term in the U.S., including online materials, virtual meetings, and an orientation day in Helsinki. The orientation also helps to prepare grantees for the ambassadorial role and their studies in the U.S.
- Personal advising and guidance services: Supporting grantees before and during the term in the U.S.
- Support in the visa process.
- Networking opportunities: Enabling grantees to build connections professionally and internationally in Finland and the U.S.
- Alumni contacts and support: Access to the Fulbright Finland Foundation's alumni network in Finland and in the U.S. and their support also while in the U.S.
- Partial funding support: Grant ranging typically between USD 1 000 - USD 3 000
A special award available for studies at Cleveland State University.
Support for Grantees with Disabilities
Extra funding support is available for grantees with disabilities. If you have a disability that would cause additional costs for the grant term, contact the Foundation to discuss reasonable accommodations. Email your self-assessment with a description of the disability and the specific accommodations requested to the Foundation contact listed at the bottom of this page by the grant application deadline.
Please note that disclosing the need for disability accommodation does not affect the review and selection process.
The program is meant for
- Students carrying out fixed-term (one semester/academic year) bachelor-level studies
- Degree-students: for first-year studies that begin in the U.S. in the fall semester 2025
- Finnish citizens
The program is not for those who
- already have a higher education degree or who will complete one during 2025.
- have dual citizenship of Finland and the U.S. or a permanent residence permit in the U.S.
- do not have secured funding for the planned academic year/semester in the U.S. Those completing a full bachelor's degree must also have a realistic funding plan for the whole duration of their studies in the U.S.
- cannot commit to serving in the role of an ambassador of the Fulbright Finland Foundation due to primary commitments to another organization or grant/exchange program.
Applicants who have little or no experience of the U.S. may be given priority in the selections.
This year exceeded my expectations: the classes I took really enriched and widened my understanding of global affairs... Additionally, I made lifelong friends that taught me about cultures from which they come from.” -Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Awardee 2016-17
The Grantee's Role as a Fulbright Finland Ambassador
Acting as a Fulbright Finland Ambassador is part of the grantee's role during the program and after its completion.
- Students act as Fulbright Finland Ambassadors, visiting U.S. universities (within the limits of their schedule) and telling young people about Finland. The ambassadors encourage others to consider studying in Finland and applying for the Fulbright Finland Foundation programs. The Fulbright Finland Ambassadors receive all the required materials from the Foundation.
- Those doing fixed-term studies act as Fulbright Finland Ambassadors/Outreach Ambassadors after returning to Finland, within the limits of their schedule. The Foundation requests alumni participate in the Foundation's information events to share their own study experiences in the U.S. and to discuss studying in the U.S. and applying for the Foundation’s programs with new applicants.

How to Apply?
Read the following application instructions carefully and make sure to include all the required documents in your application by the application deadline.
Read the evaluation criteria with care. These guidelines are approved by the Fulbright Finland Foundation Board and they are applied also to the Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Program. In the interview, the main focus is on studies instead of research.
Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Program Application and Checklist (Word)
Please fill in the application form and attachments in English, and remember to sign the checklist and the application form.
In addition to the Application Form (which includes the signed checklist, signed application form, study objectives, personal statement, and Fulbright Finland Ambassador statement), a complete application also includes:
- Two (2) letters of recommendation in English (which the recommender submits directly to the Fulbright Finland Foundation). A recommender can be a teacher, a study counselor, or a rector. A recommender cannot be a family member, a relative, or a friend. The applicant has to make sure that the letters of recommendation arrive on time. Please provide your recommenders with the Fulbright Finland Foundation guidelines on writing a recommendation letter for a Fulbright applicant.
- An acceptance letter/a confirmation for studies from an accredited U.S. university (contact the Foundation well in advance if you have not yet received this or you have difficulties in obtaining the letter).
- Proof of the tuition fees of the U.S. university. This can be, for example, a screenshot from their website.
- Proof of funding by the U.S. university/higher education institution (add this information if you have it).
- The signed checklist
- Copies of certificates and English translations of every certificate copy. If these aren’t available, you can also translate the certificates yourself.
In addition to the above:
If you are graduating from an upper secondary school (lukio) this year:
- provide your latest grade certificate (opintorekisteriote "jaksotodistus")
If you have graduated from an upper secondary school (lukio) or other secondary-level education institution:
- the final grade certificate (päättötodistus) of upper secondary school or other secondary level education institute
- Upper secondary school graduates: a copy of your Matriculation Examination Certificate (ylioppilastodistus)
In addition, if you are currently studying or if you have other previous studies:
- a transcript of records (opintorekisteriote) from the higher education institution or the latest certificate from your current institution.
Please submit the application and required attachments here by the application deadline.
NB! You need to submit all your documents at once, you are not able to save the form and return to it later. Inadequate applications or applications that arrive after the deadline will not be processed.
In addition to the application with its required attachments, the applicant must exhibit two letters of recommendation. The letters of recommendation are submitted directly to the Fulbright Finland Foundation by the recommenders. A recommender can submit the letter here. The letter can also be emailed to the Foundation at [email protected].
Application period opens | In March |
Application period ends | April 9, 2025 at 12:00 (Finnish time) |
Interview (cannot be arranged at any other time). Invites are sent a week before the interviews. | April 24, 2025 |
Final Selections (all applicants will be notified by email) | May 6, 2025 |
Compulsory Orientation Webinar* | May 8, 2025 at 14.00-15:30 |
Compulsory Fulbright Finland Pre-Departure Orientation* and Award Ceremony in person in Helsinki (virtual participation is not possible) | May 13, 2025 (whole day) |
*Both the orientation webinar and the Fulbright Finland Pre-Departure Orientation include mandatory pre-assignments that selected grantees are required to review before the meetings. Remember to schedule time for yourself in May before and after both meetings to review the materials.
The selection committee will interview selected applicants on April 24, 2025. Participating in the interview is a prerequisite for being selected and it is also an important part of the overall evaluation of the applicants. Please note that the interview date and schedule are fixed, meaning that interviews cannot be held at any other time than during the date mentioned above.
You should prepare for the interview by reading these guidelines: The interviews for the Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Program. The interviews are held online.
Alumni Experiences
- Fulbright Finland Outreach Ambassadors are happy to share their experiences from the U.S. Feel free to contact them.
- Ujostelevasta suomalaisesta amerikkalaiseksi rohkelikoksi
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
Miina Aaltonen, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2023-24
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
- For Opportunity Across Borders: Patrik Haverinen BF '25
- Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2021-22, Fulbright Finland Renewal grantee 2022-24
- Combining College Tennis and Undergraduate Studies at Northwestern University
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
Aino Alkio, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2021-22, Northwestern University
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
- The Art of Stumbling Without Falling
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
Antti Asikainen, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2021-22, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
- A Lifelong Dream of Accessible Journalism
- Fulbright Finland News Magazine 1/2021
Kaarina Huovinen, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2011-12, Gallaudet University
- Fulbright Finland News Magazine 1/2021
- American College Life as a Finn
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
Agneetta Moisio, Fulbright Finland Partnership Award with Vanderbilt University 2018-21, Vanderbilt University
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
- How Does Studying Marine Biology in Hawaii Look Like in the Midst of a Pandemic
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
Isa Lassinaro, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2020-21, Hawaii Pacific University
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
- U.S. Higher Education: The Undergraduate Application Process
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
Hulda Elopuro, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2018-19, University of Southern California
- Fulbright Finland Foundation Blog
- Conversation with Cultural Blending
- Fulbright Finland News magazine 2/2019
Lotta Lemetti, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate and Renewal grantee 2015-19, New York Film Academy - Lotta Lemetti's virtual exhibition at Gallery K: Another Yesterday
- Fulbright Finland News magazine 2/2019
- Unelmien vuosi Yhdysvalloissa
- A Year of Dreams in the U.S. - Fulbright Finland News magazine 1/2017
Teresa Tiainen, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2016-17, the Gallaudet University
- A Year of Dreams in the U.S. - Fulbright Finland News magazine 1/2017
- Mä muutan Caliin!
- Blog - Taru Aitola, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate grantee 2016-17
The community, experience, and mission of Fulbright Finland is a unique resource and a privilege, which you should definitely take an advantage of! -Ilja Orre, Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Grantee 2008-09, The College of William and Mary
Ilja's five tips for Future Fulbrighters
- Find Your People - Get to know the university, faculty and students through social media, LinkedIn and phone calls before making a decision on the university you will attend. If you can visit the university before deciding, even better!
- Feel Good About Your Decision - Studying and living abroad is a challenge, but you'll quickly notice that you made the best decision of your life if you let your stress and worries go and enjoy the ride!
- Explore - Going to the U.S. to study is an amazing opportunity to get involved in different communities, to travel the continent and to meet people from a wild variety of backgrounds. Explore your community and make time to do things outside the classroom and studies.
- It's a Marathon - Your schedule with studies, athletics and social life can get hectic. Be sure to take time to take care of yourself and remember that you're in it for the long game.
- Play Your Heart Out - if you're going to the U.S. to play college athletics, enjoy every moment of it. It's a unique opportunity to play at a level that is in many cases just one step below the professional leagues.
What is the Fulbright Finland Foundation?
The Fulbright Finland Foundation is a private, independent, not-for-profit organization based in Helsinki, Finland. The Foundation’s aim is
- to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts between Finland and the United States, and
- to support the internationalization of education and research in Finland, and help U.S. and Finnish institutions create linkages.
What Makes the Fulbright Finland Foundation Programs Unique?
- In addition to the grant, the Fulbright Finland Foundation offers the grantees several additional benefits and free support services, as well as an access to a global, multi-professional network.
- We are looking for applicants who want to impact the future and to make a difference – applicants who want to facilitate positive change, develop and advance their own profession or discipline, and find solutions to national and international challenges in their field.
- The grantees also act as ambassadors for the Fulbright Finland Foundation, their home country, and their home organization and, in this way, do their part in sharing their home country and culture and contributing to the relations between Finland and the U.S.