Group photo of the Finnish Fulbright grantees going to the U.S. in 2019-2020


Since 1949, over 6 200 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals have participated in our exchange programs – over 4 000 from Finland and over 2 200 from the U.S. Representing all fields in the arts, sciences, and the society at large, grantees and alumni are vital to the Foundation’s vision: empowering minds that will find global solutions to tomorrow’s challenges by fostering academic and professional expertise and excellence in leadership.

Fulbright Finland Foundation grant programs offer students, scholars, teachers, and professionals in Finland and in the U.S. unique possibilities to carry out study and research projects. The Fulbright Finland Foundation grantees are cultural ambassadors and future change makers whose projects have potential for a large impact while building bridges between the U.S. and Finland.

Looking for previous years' grantees?

Find the previous years' grantee lists here. 

Connect With the 2024-25 Fulbright Finland Foundation Grantees

PDF version: 2024-25 Fulbright Finland Foundation grantees

CV Catalog of the Fulbright Finland Foundation Grantees to Finland 2024-25
CV Catalog of the Fulbright Finland Foundation Grantees to the U.S. 2024-25

"Three words; connections, knowledge and understanding. When a Fulbrighter - either American in Finland or a Finn in the U.S. - returns back home, these three things will impact their way of thinking. Connections that are built during the exchange last a lifetime" - Iida Tikka, 2018-19 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate grantee and 2019-20 Fulbright Finland Renewal grantee

Situation as of June 25, 2024

2024-25 Fulbright Finland Foundation Grantees to the U.S.

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Senior Scholars
for research

Virtanen, Pirjo Kristiina
Indigenous Studies 
Biocultural Diversity and Onto-Epistemic Structures 
University of Helsinki 
University of California, Davis, CA 
The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki 
11 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Senior Scholars Program: 1

ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Junior Scholars
for post-doctoral research

Kolehmainen, Pekka 
North American Studies 
The Conceptual Language of Antifeminism and Reactionary Realignment in the United States 
University of Turku 
University of California, Berkeley, CA 
The grant is cost-shared with the University of Turku 
7 months, beginning September 2024

Launonen, Lari 
Cognitive Science of Religion and Natural Knowledge of God 
University of Helsinki 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, NJ 
4 months, beginning February 2025

Railo, Jesse 
Pure and Applied Mathematics 
Global and Microlocal Analysis for Geometric Integral Transforms 
LUT University, Lappeenranta 
Stanford University, CA 
The grant is cost-shared with LUT University 
6 months, beginning January 2025

Total grantees for ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Junior Scholars Program: 3

Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Research Collaboration
for a short research visit in the U.S.

Kapiainen, Emmi 
Reproductive Biology 
Exploring the Endometrium: Studies on Molecular Mechanisms Affecting Female Fertility 
University of Oulu 
Baylor College of Medicine, TX 
2,5 months, beginning September 2024

Leiwo, Lotta 
Folklore Studies 
Archival Research and Collaboration for Dissertation Project “Knowing Nature” 
University of Helsinki 
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN 
5 weeks, beginning September 2024

Sorvari, Katariina 
Consumer Behaviour
Making Sense of Moral Calls to Account on Social Media
University of Vaasa 
Suffolk University, MA 
2 months, beginning October 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Research Collaboration Program: 3

Fulbright Arctic Initiative Research Awards
for research collaboration and participation in the Fulbright Arctic Initiative Program

Kähkönen, Juho
The Future of Sustainable Arctic Logistics and Transportation
University of Lapland, Rovaniemi
Dartmouth College, NH
Program term: September 2024 - February 2026

Joona, Tanja
International Relations 
Arctic Terra Nullius and Just Green Transition
University of Lapland, Rovaniemi
Northern Arizona University, AZ; University of Delaware, DE
Program term: September 2024 - February 2026

Middleton, Alexandra
Social Sciences
Bridging the Gap: Just Transition, Energy Security, and Critical Minerals Management in the Arctic
University of Oulu
Harvard University, MA
Program term: September 2024 - February 2026

Total grantees for Fulbright Arctic Initiative Research Awards Program: 3

ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows
for pre-doctoral research

Jäntti, Bruno 
Political Science
Advancement of Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law in EU Foreign Policy
University of Helsinki 
Harvard University, MA 
The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki 
6 months, beginning August 2024

Salenius, Karoliina 
Transcript Isoform Profiling in the Developing Brain Using Long-Read Sequencing 
Tampere University 
New York Genome Center, NY 
The grant is cost-shared with Tampere University 
6 months, beginning September 2024

Wahlsten, Johan 
Political Science 
Capital Moves? The International Governance of Capital Flow Regulation After Global Financial Crises 
University of Helsinki 
Georgetown University, DC 
The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki 
6 months, beginning September 2024

Total grantees for ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Program: 3

Fulbright-KAUTE Foundation Award
for doctoral students, post-doctoral scholars, and professionals in the fields of Business, Economics, and Technology. Program in cooperation with KAUTE Foundation

Abdullai, Abdul-Rauf Larry 
Technology and Sustainability 
Collective Action Towards Responsibility and Sustainability of Digital Technologies
LUT University, Lappeenranta 
University of Michigan, MI 
12 months, beginning August 2024

Abu-Danso, Emmanuel 
Environmental Technology
Fundamentals of Critical Metals Separation From Mine Wastewater by Geo-Inspired Materials
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 
Ames National Laboratory, IA 
6 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for the Fulbright-KAUTE Foundation Award: 2

Fulbright-Idman Grant
for senior secondary school graduates from the Tampere City Region to complete a master's degree in a U.S. university

Kaarsalo, Eero
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
Completing a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the U.S. 
Aalto University, Espoo
University of Southern California, CA 
9 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright-Idman Grant Program: 1

ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grants
for graduate studies and doctoral research

Biorac Haaja, Isabella
International Relations and Global Communications 
Completing a master’s degree in International Relations and Global Communications in the U.S. 
Swedish School of Social Science, Helsinki
Syracuse University, NY 
9 months, beginning August 2024

Laine, Riku
Criminal Behavior and Voting During Life Course 
University of Helsinki 
Harvard University, MA
The grant is cost-shared with the University of Helsinki 
10 months, beginning September 2024

Mäkinen, Joona 
Peace and Conflict Resolution 
Completing a master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution in the U.S.
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 
Georgetown University, DC 
The Fulbright Finland Centennial Award
10 months, beginning August 2024

Sokolova, Lada 
Construction Management 
Completing a master’s degree in Construction Management in the U.S.
Independent Scholar
New York University, NY
9 months, beginning September 2024

Total grantees for ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant Program: 4

Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistants
for teaching Finnish and graduate studies

Lewis, Natalie 
Finnish Language 
Finnish Language Teaching Assistant 
University of Oulu 
University of Washington, WA 
9 months, beginning September 2024

Ojala, Emma 
Class Teacher Education and Special Education 
Finnish Language Teaching Assistant 
Graduate of the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu 
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN 
9 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program: 2

Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Grant
funded by the Finland-America Educational Trust Fund

Ferrer Sarría, Eeva
International Relations and Global Health
Exchange Studies in the U.S.
University College Maastricht, Netherlands
American University, D.C.
4 months, beginning August 2024

Hindsberg, Christian
Completing a bachelor’s degree in Economics in the U.S.
Graduate of United World College Robert Bosch College, Germany
Washington and Lee University, VA
9 months, beginning August 2024

Pietarinen, Marcus
Completing a bachelor’s degree in Economics in the U.S.
Helsingin Suomalainen yhteiskoulu, Helsinki
Stanford University, CA
9 months, beginning September 2024

Tiitinen, Minea
Computer Science and Linguistics
Completing a bachelor’s degree in the U.S.
Ressu Upper Secondary School, Helsinki
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
9 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Grant Program: 4

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching
semester-long program for primary and secondary level educators

Illman, Veera 
Education and Foreign Language Teaching 
Teaching and Supporting Students With Multilingual Backgrounds in the Foreign Language Classroom 
Meilahti Comprehensive School, Helsinki
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, PA
5 months, beginning August 2024

Kastikainen, Matti 
Special Education 
Productive Learning – Recognizing Curricular Goals Achieved Outside of Classroom 
Sompio School, Kerava
University of Rochester, NY
5 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program: 2

Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building
for a short visit in the U.S.

Clements (née Carlson), Emily
Music Therapy 
Building Pathways for U.S.-Finland Exchange in the Research and Practice of Music Therapy
University of Jyväskylä 
University of Houston, TX 
2 weeks, beginning October 2024

Galarza, Juan 
Oulu-Miami Educational Partnership
University of Oulu 
University of Miami, FL 
2 weeks, beginning November 2024

Kanervo, Riikka
Social Policy 
Institutional Partnership Building in the Field of Social Services and Social Work
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa
Nazareth University, NY 
2 weeks, beginning October 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building: 3

ASLA-Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development Grants
for professional development projects

Talasniemi, Anna
Art Education and Heritage Studies 
Museums for Future: Museums as Sites for Societal and Ethical Discussion and Change
University of Jyväskylä 
University of Illinois at Chicago, IL 
5 months, beginning January 2025

Total grantees for ASLA-Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development Grants: 1

2024-25 Fulbright Finland Foundation Grantees in Finland

Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program
for lecturing and research in higher education institutions in Finland

Goodwin, Julie 
Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Distinguished Chair in Health Sciences 
Pediatric Nephrology 
Allostatic Load and Pediatric Origins of Adult Hypertension 
Yale University, CT 
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 
2 months, Flex grant for academic years 2023-25

Hackney, Anthony 
Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Distinguished Chair in Health Sciences 
Physiology and Nutrition Exercise
Endocrinology: Hormonal-Based Changes Associated With Health 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 
2 months, Flex grant for academic years 2023-25

Hou, Su-I 
Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Distinguished Chair in Health Sciences 
Public Health, Health Promotion, and Education 
Leverage Digital Technology for Health Aging in Community – Brain Health and Dementia Prevention 
University of Central Florida, FL 
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 
2 months, Flex grant for academic years 2024-26 

Lunney, Glynn 
Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics 
Intellectual Property Law 
Transforming Copyright 
Texas A&M University, TX 
Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki
3 months, beginning March 2025

Wang, Gang 
Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics 
Business Management 
Leadership, Acquisition Premium, and Human Resource Management: A Two-Study Project With Teaching 
Florida State University, FL 
Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki 
3 months, beginning August 2024 

Wilson, Joshua 
Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies 
American Conservative Politics 
Pulling Threads to Weave New Cloth: Understanding Conservatism’s Political Development 
University of Denver, CO 
University of Helsinki 
9 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program: 6

Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Bultman, Thomas 
Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar Award 
Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture 
Using Fungal Endophyte Mixtures to Promote Sustainable Grazing Food Systems in Finland 
Hope College, MI 
University of Turku 
6 months, beginning January 2025 

Elder, Kate 
Fulbright-VTT Award in Science, Technology and Innovation 
Materials Science and Engineering 
Establishing Process-Structure Links During Additive Manufacturing of High-Entropy Alloys 
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA 
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
6 months, beginning August 2024

Euskirchen, Eugenie 
Seeking Solutions for Global Challenges Award 
Terrestrial Ecosystem Science 
Extreme Events and Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatlands: Implications for Global Climate Feedbacks 
University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK 
University of Lapland, Rovaniemi; University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu; University of Helsinki
6 months, beginning August 2024

Fowler, Amy
Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar Award 
Ecosystem-Level Effects of a Novel Invasive Species in Finland's Archipelago Sea 
George Mason University, VA 
University of Turku 
6 months, beginning July 2024

Hayes, Jarrod 
Fulbright Iceland-National Science Foundation Arctic Security Award to Iceland and Finland
Security Studies/International Security 
The Future of the Arctic: Changing Practices of Security in a Changing Environment 
University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA 
University of Turku 
3 months, beginning January 2025

Ho, Chun-Hsing 
Fulbright-Tampere University Scholar Award 
Construction Engineering and Transportation 
Evaluating the Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Moisture Damage on Pavement Performance in Finland 
University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE 
Tampere University 
6 months, beginning January 2025

Kim, Daekwan
Fulbright-University of Vaasa Scholar Award 
Business, Management, and Marketing 
Global vs Regional Industry 4.0 Ecosystems and Their Performance and Sustainability Implications 
Florida State University, FL 
University of Vaasa 
4 months, beginning September 2024

Lin, Xiaomao
Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Grant in Health and Environmental Sciences 
Climate Science 
A Non-Steady-State and High-Frequency Chamber Study for Tree-Stem Methane Emission 
Kansas State University, KS 
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 
8 months, beginning August 2024

Marttinen, Risto 
Physical Education Pedagogy 
Beyond PISA: A Culturally Responsive Approach to Finnish Physical Activity and Education 
George Mason University, VA 
University of the Arts Helsinki 
5 months, beginning January 2025

McClintock, Madison 
Mid-Career Professional Development Program
Film Production 
Finnish Folk Art: Exploring Cultural Identity and Sense of Place 
Craft Museum of Finland, Jyväskylä
5 months, beginning January 2025 

Newmark Engberg, Julianne
Fulbright-Tampere University Scholar Award 
Technical and Professional Communication 
UX+You: The Technical & Professional Communication Student’s Intro to Usability & User Experience 
University of New Mexico, NM
Tampere University 
10 months, beginning August 2024

Shortridge, Julie 
Fulbright-University of Oulu Scholar Award 
Environmental Engineering 
Socio-Environmental Modeling of Climate Change Tipping Points in a Rapidly-Warming Arctic 
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA 
University of Oulu 
9 months, beginning August 2024

Total grantees for Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program: 12

Fulbright Global Scholar Award

Hill, Theodore
Impact Measurement and Stakeholder Governance of Community-University Research Collaboratives
Temple University, PA
University of Vaasa
2,5 months, Flex grant for academic year 2024-25

Total grantees for the Fulbright Global Scholar Award: 1

Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Those in the U.S. Student Program will be in Finland at least for 1 academic year.

Asmus, Ava 
Fulbright-LUT University Graduate Award 
Marketing and Business 
Completing a master’s degree in International Marketing Management 
Graduate of Hope College, MI 
LUT University, Lappeenranta 

Conroy, Paul 
Fulbright-University of Helsinki Graduate Award 
Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies 
Completing a master's degree in Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies 
Graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY 
University of Helsinki

Fazio, Jenna
Fulbright-LUT University Graduate Award 
Social Sciences 
Completing a master's degree in Sociotechnical Systems and Sustainability Transitions
Graduate of Villanova University, PA 
LUT University, Lappeenranta

Greene, Andrew 
Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award 
Completing a master's degree in Education and Learning 
Graduate of Duke University, NC 
University of Turku 

Moje, Katelyn 
Fulbright-LUT University Graduate Award
Social Sciences
Completing a master's degree in Sociotechnical Systems and Sustainability Transitions
Graduate of Iowa State University, IA 
LUT University, Lappeenranta

Nguyen, Anh 
Fulbright-Aalto University Graduate Award 
Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 
Completing a master’s degree in Automation and Electrical Engineering 
Graduate of the University of New Hampshire, NH 
Aalto University, Espoo

Rod, Lauren 
Fulbright-LUT University Graduate Award 
Business Administration 
Completing a master's degree in International Marketing Management 
Graduate of Boise State University, ID 
LUT University, Lappeenranta 

Schirmacher, Natalie 
Fulbright-Tampere University Graduate Award 
Peace, Mediation, and Conflict Research 
Completing a master's degree in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research 
Graduate of Villanova University, PA 
Tampere University

Thiede, Megan 
Fulbright-Tampere University Graduate Award 
Information Technology and Communication Sciences 
Completing a master's degree in Accessibility and Diversity in Digital Services, Sustainable Societies and Digitalisation 
Graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder, CO 
Tampere University

Total grantees for Fulbright U.S. Student Program: 9

Fulbright U.S. Student Program Renewals
for continuing master’s degree studies after the initial grant year

Information on awarded grants will be updated after selections have been made.

Total grantees for Fulbright U.S. Student Program Renewals: 

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Research Program
a semester-long program for primary and secondary level educators

Information on awarded grants will be updated after selections have been made.

Total grantees for Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Research Program: 

Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Enrichment Award

Information on awarded grants will be updated after selections have been made.

Total grantees for the Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni Enrichment Award: 

Inter-Country Travel Grants
for one-week lecturing visits by U.S. Fulbright scholars, teachers, and other professionals based in another European country to Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences

Information on awarded grants will be updated after selections have been made.

Total grantees for the Inter-Country Travel Grant Program: 

Fulbright Specialist Program
for short-term lecturing and professional collaboration visits by U.S. faculty and professionals to Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences

Andonian, Lynne
Developing the Course: Community Based Interventions
San Jose State University, CA
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä
2 weeks, beginning September 2024

Brush, Jennifer 
Gerontology and Dementia Care 
Building Staff Competency in Person-Centered Care Using Montessori 
Brush Development Company, OH 
Suomen MuistiMontessori ry, Espoo
2 weeks, beginning September 2024

Leavengood, Scott
Innovation Management in Wood Industry
Oregon State University, OR
University of Helsinki
4 weeks, beginning October 2024

Salles, Felipe
Music and Jazz Studies
Brazilian Jazz Composition and Performance Residence
University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki; UMO Helsinki
2 weeks, beginning October 2024

Williams, Holly
Criminal Justice and Public Policy
Multinational Approach to Criminological Theory – US/Finland
Clemson University, SC
Tampere University
2 weeks, beginning May 2025

Information on awarded grants will be updated after selections have been made.

Total grantees for Fulbright Specialist Program: 5


Situation as of June 25, 2024:

Finnish grantees: 32
U.S. grantees: 33
Total: 65