Fulbright Finland Alumni Presented at the Pro-Rexi Event in Espoo
Espoo, Finland

Fulbright Finland alumni Pasi Rangell presented at Pro-Rexi event in Dipoli, Espoo for 300 Finnish principals.
Fulbright Finland promoted at Study Abroad Fair in Montclair
Montclair, NJ

Argine Safari participated in Study Abroad Fair at Montclair State University and promoted Fulbright in Finland and shared her experiences to students and faculty. In addition, Argine and her family has shared their experiences to their community including Finnish history, culture, traditions, music and Finnish treats.
Finland Brunch in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA

Fulbright Finland alumna Ann F. Brandt (Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 2015-2016) served as the speaker at a Finland brunch organized during the NAFSA: Association of International Educators conference in May 2018. Annie spoke to the audience about her study and research experiences in Finland and the lasting cooperation and the continuing ripple effects of her Fulbright term.
Info Session at Stanford University
Stanford, CA

Manu Huttunen (Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant 2017-2018 to Stanford University) gave a presentation on Finland and Fulbright Finland opportunities for the Professor Sanjiva Lele's Flow Physics and Aeroacoustics Laboratory Research Group.
Michigan Tour
Bloomfield Hills - Marquette - Houghton - Hancock, MI

Marlene Broemer (2000-2001 Fulbright Graduate Student at the University of Helsinki) and Suzanne Louis (2001-2002 Fulbright Professional at the Helsinki University of Technology) toured Michigan in early November, visiting four institutions as Centennial Ambassadors. The Fulbright Program Advisers at Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, near Detroit), Northern Michigan University (Marquette), and Michigan Technological University (Houghton) met with these alumni, gathering information about the unique qualities of the Fulbright Finland Program. Finlandia University (Hancock) faculty also received updates on opportunities in Finland, especially in the field of Fine Arts. A very special experience at Cranbrook included a tour of the beautiful campus, designed by Eliel Saarinen, and a private tour of the Saarinen House. We look forward to more applications coming in from Michigan!

International Education Week at the Indiana University School of Education
Bloomington, IN
Sanna Leinonen and Emilia Heimonen (2017-2018 Fulbright Teachers at Indiana University) participated to the cultural event at the School of Education at Indiana University. They had a table full of Moomin material and visitors had a chance to test which Moomin character they are. At the same time, Sanna and Emilia had promoted Fulbright Finland opportunities. The event was also part of the International Education Week.

Both Sanna and Emilia presented on Finnish education at Indiana University. Emilia participated in the Global Gateway Panel on Education and Sanna promoted study and Fulbright opportunities in Finland for the Finnish language students.
Tour of the Globe - Finland
Springfield, MO

Fulbright Finland grantee Lauri Kivijärvi (ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2017-2018 to Missouri State University) participated in the Tour of the Globe event at Missouri State University on November 3, 2017. Lauri shared facts about Finland and information on Fulbright Finland grant opportunities. Everyone had a chance to try Finnish rye bread, Fazer chocolate and some salmiakki. Especially Finland's free education and Santa Claus attracted people and Lauri had a lot of people visiting his stand throughtout the event.
Finland and Fulbright Finland Opportunities
Russellville, AR

Fulbright Finland grantee Lauri Kivijärvi (ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2017-2018 to Missouri State University) had a wonderful session with experts and students from the field of inorganic chemistry at the Arkansas Tech University. He shared quick facts about Finland and introduced Fulbright Finland and its grant programs for the audience.
Alumni Stories and Skype Info Session
Mankato, MN

Alumni Anne Dahlman (2016-2017 Fulbright Specialist to University of Turku) and Kristen Cvancara (2011-2012 scholar to University of Jyväskylä) organized an inspiring session for the faculty of Minnesota State University, Mankato. Kristen and Anne shared their Fulbright stories and Fulbright Finland team shared information on Fulbright Finland opportunities.
Finnish Colleague Comes to Ohio
Cleveland, OH
Alumnus Mike Loovis (2010 scholar to University of Jyväskylä) has been very active this year creating linkages with his Finnish host institution. Mike arranged for his Finnish colleague Hanna Vehmas to make presentations about the Finnish Education System at Cleveland State University. More opportunities for bringing together Finns and Americans through academic exchange look promising.
News and Videos on Social Media
Lehighton, PA

Cristi Marchetti (2016 Fulbright Finland Inter-Country Travel Grantee to University of Jyväskylä) has been promoting Finland through different social media channels by sharing news and videos actively. Local news published also an article about Cristi and her Fulbright experiences. Cristi has background on publicity, so she is working on promoting Fulbright and Finland through her local media.
Times News on October 17, 2017:
Lehighton teacher returns from abroad with plans to connect community
Finnish Flag Cookies at Global Fest
Lake Forest College, IL
Ben Zeller (2012-2013 Fulbright Scholar to Åbo Akademi) promoted Finland's Centennial and various study abroad opportunities in Finland at Lake Forest College's Global Fest. "The students’ favorite part of the Global Fest is the food. Here's a picture of our attempts to create a Finnish flag out of frosting and a cookie at the 'make your own flag' table", says Ben.
Finnish Your Dinner with Finland 100 Cake and Sharing Experiences from Finland!
Our Island Home retirement home, MA

The Our Island Home residents enjoyed celebratory Finnish Independence cake. Pictured here are the Fulbright Finland alumni Frances Karttunen and Alfred W. Crosby.
Frances Karttunen (Fulbright Scholar 1971 and 1984 to University of Tampere, Fulbright Bicentennial Chair 1997) has produced a weekly interactive slide show for the Our Island Home residents, and has so far presented three shows about Finland: Before Independence, Gaining Independence 1917-18, and Defending Independence 1939-44. "I will create one more in the fall about my personal experience of Finland since the early 1960s and my husband Alfred W. Crosby's (Fulbright Bicentennial Chair 1985 and 1997) and my Fulbright experiences there (3 times for me and twice for him)", Frances describes her Centennial Ambassador activities. She is also presenting at the Saltmarsh Center in December and January.