Year in Focus 2018

October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018


Grant Programs

  • Altogether 24 grant programs to the U.S.: 11 for students, 7 for researchers, 6 for professionals. Altogether 29 grant programs to Finland: 8 for students, 17 for researchers and 4 for professionals and specialists.
  • Total of 87 grantees (39 Finnish grantees, 48 U.S. grantees)
  • Over EUR 1,33 million awarded as grants, co-sponsored grants included


  • Hundreds of active alumni in Finland and the United States serving as experts, academic reviewers, Board members, and in various other capacities related to the Fulbright Finland Foundation and its programs.
  • In the U.S., there are about 650 Fulbright Finland U.S. alumni within the Friends of Fulbright Finland Network
  • Total of 74 American alumni within the Welcome Network
  • Total of 150 members in the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association
  • 41 Finnish alumni participates in the Buddy Program

Fulbright Finland Statistics 2018

  • Approximately 5 300 client contacts in total, event participants included, out of which over 1 200 Fulbright Speaker program participants. 44 % of all contacts, event participants included, were international educational professionals.
  • 77 information sessions, seminars, conferences, and Fulbright Speaker Program sessions throughout Finland
  • Website: 234 600 page views and 73 200 website visitors.
  • Fulbright Finland News magazines: printed circulation 1 600 and digital reach over 2 700.
  • Social media followers: Facebook 2 656; Twitter 901; Instagram 405; LinkedIn 312; YouTube 8 587 views

Core Funding (partnership awards not included)

  • 76 % from Finland (Trust Fund, Finnish government, private foundations, Finnish universities, other)
  • 24 % from the United States (16 % the U.S. government, 8 % other)