October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014

Fulbright Center Statistics 2014

  • 3,700 direct client contacts of which approximately 29% were international education professionals
  • 74 information sessions and events throughout Finland, in which over 2,200 participants
  • Website: 227,300 pageviews and 55,500 website visitors.

Grant Programs

  • Total of 80 grantees (44 Finnish grantees, 36 U.S. grantees)
  • Over EUR 850,000 awarded as grants, co-sponsored grants included


  • 436 active US alumni in the United States (Friends of Fulbright Finland network)
  • Hundreds of active alumni in Finland serving as experts, academic reviewers, Board members, and in various other capacities related to the Fulbright Center and its programs. 120 of them are also members of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association in Finland

Fulbright Center Funding

  • 81,5 % from Finland (Trust Fund, Finnish government, private foundations, Finnish universities, other)
  • 18 % from the United States (17 % the U.S. Government, 1 % other)
  • 0,5 % from Canada (Canadian Government)
