Laptop with a Zoom call gallery view with people with their cameras on and a teal colored coffee cup on the left of the photo. The cup is in focus and the laptop screen is blurry.

Training for U.S.-Bound Grantees 2025-26

Orientation Training for the 2025-26 Fulbright Finland Foundation Grantees to the U.S.

On this page, you will find all the materials you need for the orientation training and your grant term during the 2025-26 academic year. 

You should have received an email from your program coordinator with detailed instructions on studying the materials; please read through them carefully.

In our training, we follow the Flipped Classroom approach; learn more about Flipped Orientation Training in the video below.


Plan your own schedule for studying the following pre-materials before each orientation training; the training sessions build on your knowledge of the materials:

  • For Graduate Students only (selected in September 2024): For the American Voices seminar, October 11-12, 2024: Intro and Initial steps for graduate students (incl. recording of the U.S. professors' panel discussion).
  • For the Program-Specific Online Meeting: Intro, Module 1
  • For the Pre-Departure Orientation Day in Helsinki on May 13, 2025: Modules 2-5

At the beginning of each module, you will find learning objectives. In addition to pre-materials (e.g., videos and reading materials), each module has tasks at the end of the page. 

Watch this video about Flipped Orientation Training first (6 mins 45 sec)

Program-Specific Online Meeting (you will received the date from your program coordinator)

Module 2: Ambassadorial Role 101 (available later)
Module 3: Continuing with Practical Matters (available later)
Module 4: Fulbright Finland Foundation and Its Global Network (available later)
Module 5: Ambassadorial Role 102 (available later)

The Pre-Departure Orientation and Award Ceremony in Helsinki on May 13, 2025.

Module 6: Just Before Departure (available later)
Module 7: In the U.S. (available later)
Module 8: After the Grant Term (available later)

Please note that these pages are for the Fulbright Finland Foundation grantees only and not to be shared publicly.