Module 2: Your Role in Publicity and Outreach

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Learning objective: To understand your role in the Foundation's publicity and outreach efforts, and as an ambassador for your own country and home institution, and also for the Fulbright Finland Foundation, Finland, and your host institution. 

Acknowledging the Fulbright Finland Foundation:

We hope you proudly acknowledge the Fulbright Finland Foundation, and use your identification as Fulbright scholar/student/teacher to advance your research and/or project. This is your judgment call to make, but we encourage you to recognize the Fulbright Finland Foundation if the paper, talk, exhibit etc. comes from your time as a Fulbright scholar. There is no standard required language, but you can use, for instance the following sentence: “This research/work has been supported by the Fulbright Finland Foundation.

If you find it necessary, you can also add a sentence to note that “the conclusions and content of this research do not represent an endorsement or approval by the Fulbright Finland Foundation or its sponsors.



Please note that these pages are for the Fulbright Finland Foundation grantees only and not to be shared publicly.