EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Terhi Mölsä EDITORS Maija Kettunen (Managing Editor), Bill Eaton DESIGN AND LAYOUT Tanja Mitchell, Grafee EDITING OFFICE Fulbright Finland Foundation, Hakaniemenranta 6, FI-00530 Helsinki, FINLAND TEL. +358 44 5535 286 E-MAIL [email protected] ISSN 2489-2149 (print) ISSN 2489-2157 (online) PRINT CIRCULATION 500 PRINTED BY Punamusta Oy ONLINE www.fulbright.fi/fulbright-finland-news-magazine
Fulbright Finland News is a biannual magazine published by the Fulbright Finland Foundation in print and online. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Fulbright Finland. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited. // While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, Fulbright Finland does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
Minna Haka-Risku, Manager of International Affairs, Tampere University; Anu Härkönen, Head of International Affairs, Turku University of Applied Sciences; Annette Jones, Educational Consultant and School Administrator, National Catholic Educational Association; Meg Jones, Assistant Professor of Education, Champlain College, VT; Petri Koikkalainen, Counselor for Education and Science, Embassy of Finland, D.C.; Mila Seppälä, Doctoral Candidate, University of Turku; Sari Tojkander, Counselor for Science and Education, Consulate General of Finland, Los Angeles.