Inter-Country Travel Grant is easy to apply for and applications are reviewed by the Fulbright Finland Foundation on a rolling basis. The IC grant funded by the Fulbright Finland Foundation covers your travel expenses from your current host city in Europe to the IC host city in Finland. The Finnish institution is expected to cover other resulting expenses.
Please note that the grant does not cover additional costs of the visit, such as food, accommodation, local transport during the visit, and other local expenses. The Finnish host and the Fulbrighter are expected to agree in advance on who will be responsible for these additional costs.
U.S. Fulbrighters in Finland may also benefit from Fulbright Inter-Country Travel Grant opportunities elsewhere in Europe. Please ask the inviting institution in your planned destination country to find out whether the Fulbright commission or U.S. Embassy in that country offers Inter-Country Travel Grants.
How to arrange an Inter-Country visit to Finland:
- Locate a higher education and/or research institution in Finland that you wish to visit. See for instance: Ministry of Education.
- Get in touch with your potential host(s) in Finland, agree on the dates, content and practicalities of your visit and confirm the host institution’s willingness to finance your local expenses.
- Your Finnish host submits a travel grant application to the Fulbright Finland Foundation in Helsinki. See application instructions for hosts.
- You and your Finnish hosts will receive a joint letter from the Foundation with the grant decision and details of the grant as well as other important information to help with your travel plans. (The message will be cc’ed to the Fulbright commission in the country where you are currently residing as a Fulbright grantee, or to the U.S. Embassy if you are a Fulbrighter in a European country that does not have a Fulbright commission. This is simply to confirm that your host commission/Embassy has no objections to the travel.)
- After the visit, fill out the feedback form and your travel costs will be reimbursed either directly to you or to your host institution in Finland as agreed specifically in advance.
Please note that the inter-country visit must take place during the period of your Fulbright grant term.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Fulbright Finland Foundation directly with any questions. We look forward to your visit to Finland!
Support for Grantees with Disabilities
Extra funding support is available for grantees with disabilities. If you have a disability that would cause additional costs for the grant term, contact the Foundation to discuss reasonable accommodations. Email the Foundation ([email protected]) your self-assessment with a description of the disability and the specific accommodations requested.
Please note that disclosing the need for disability accommodation does not affect the review and selection process.