Follow-up Materials for Arrival Orientation Spring 2025

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Follow-up Items

We hope you proudly acknowledge the Fulbright Finland Foundation, and use your identification as Fulbright scholar/student/teacher to advance your research and/or project. This is your judgment call to make, but we encourage you to recognize the Fulbright Finland Foundation if the paper, talk, exhibit etc. comes from your time as a Fulbright scholar. There is no standard required language, but you can use, for instance the following sentence: “This research/work has been supported by the Fulbright Finland Foundation.

If you find it necessary, you can also add a sentence to note that “the conclusions and content of this research do not represent an endorsement or approval by the Fulbright Finland Foundation or its sponsors.

  • Upcoming Events (save these dates!)
    • March 20, 2025 (arrival on March 19): Mid-term get-together for U.S. Fulbright grantees in Finland, Helsinki - You will receive an email about the event in February
    • May 13, 2025: Fulbright Finland Foundation Award Ceremony and Reception, Helsinki City Hall - The ceremony starts promptly at 17:00 and will last until 19:00. You will receive more information closer to the event. Each grantee can bring one avec.
    • Other events, for example the CEO Conversations, will be announced separately throughout the year.
    • See list of upcoming Finnish holidays
  • Fulbright Speaker Program

Travel Reimbursements

Be sure to send your travel reimbursement claim via SurveyMonkey by February 6 in order to be reimbursed. See the instructions and find the SurveyMonkey link here.

Please also remember the Guide for Coming to Finland as a continuous resource throughout your stay in Finland. Kindly send [email protected] any tips for additions or edits you may have to the guide for the benefit of future grantees.