Webinar on Student-Athlete and Sports Scholarship Opportunities in the U.S.

Aino Alkio playing tennis wearing purple Northwestern t-shirt.

Monday October 30, 15.00 - 16.30 Helsinki time
Location: Teams (Online)

Come learn about U.S. university sports and scholarships from an NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) representative and from a former student-athlete and current Associate Head Squash Coach.

15.00-16.00 Sport Scholarships in the U.S.

  • Elizabeth ThompsonAssociate Director of International Outreach and Strategic PartnershipsNCAA Eligibility Center

16.00-16.30 Recruiting Process and Life as a Student-Athlete

  • Hameed Ahmed, Associate Head Squash Coach at Harvard University
    Fulbright Finland Foundation Alum

The info session is open to public and free of charge. The event is organized and facilitated by the Fulbright Finland Foundation.

Everyone who registers will also receive the Teams link via email closer to the event. Welcome! 

Signing up for the event is required.
Sign up here!
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