Capacity Building Workshop: Developing Sustainable Partnerships with U.S. HEIs and International Student Services to Increase Student Mobility

Paasitorni, Helsinki
Leasa Weimer moderating a panel discussion about hosting practices. Three panelists, a man and two women, are sitting on green armchairs in front of a classroom.

The Fulbright Finland Foundation will organize a capacity-building workshop to support Finnish higher education institutions in their efforts to develop sustainable and successful partnerships with U.S. institutions to increase student mobility from the United States. Together with expert speakers, participants will share best practices in partnership building as well as in hosting U.S. students and compile concrete ideas on the workshop resources site for developing institutional partnerships as well as international student services. 

The training includes an introductory Pre-Event Webinar on Insights into the U.S. Higher Education System as well as a full-day training event in Helsinki that ends with a networking reception hosted by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

The events are free of charge. The training day will include breakfast, lunch, and light refreshments during the networking reception.

Pre-Event Webinar

March 12, 2025 at 14:30-15:45

Insights to the U.S. Higher Education System

Based on the feedback from the pre-event survey conducted for the Finnish HEIs, the training day is preceded by an introductory virtual session on the theme of U.S. higher education. In this webinar, you will learn about the basics of the U.S. higher education system, its unique features, and the broader landscape in which the institutions operate on the U.S. side.

  • Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

Program of the Capacity Building Workshop

March 19, 2025

Helsinki Congress Paasitorni
Paasivuorenkatu 5 A, Helsinki

8:30 Registration and Breakfast

9:00 Welcome and Introduction to the Capacity Building Workshop

9:05 Fulbright Finland Grant Programs Supporting Institutional Collaborations 

9:20 Trends in the U.S.: Partnerships & Student Mobility 

  • Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

9:50 U.S. Institutions’ Insights: International Student Partnerships 

  • Chun-Hsing Ho, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; 2024-25 Fulbright-Tampere University Scholar Award 
  • Risto Marttinen, George Mason University; 2024-25 Fulbright U.S. Scholar 
  • Julie Shortridge, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; 2024-25 Fulbright-University of Oulu Scholar Award
  • Facilitator: Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

10:20 Break

10:35 Inspirational Practices from Finnish HEIs Collaborating with U.S. HEIs 

  • Utilizing Fulbright Finland for partnership building with U.S. Institutions
    Tia-Maria Sjöblom, International Relations Adviser, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences: Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Institutional Partnership Building alum
  • Aalto University School of Business partnerships with U.S. universities – Best practices and lessons learned
    Saila Kurtbay, Head of International Affairs, Aalto University
  • Utilizing ISEP and north2north for student mobility with the U.S.
    Igor Tanskanen, Specialist, International Mobility Services, Tampere University
  • Facilitator: Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

Small Group Discussions: Sharing Inspirational Practices 

11:50 Lunch

12:50 Mapping out “Sweet Spots” to Engage with U.S. Institutions
Small Group Discussions: Opportunities/Challenges & Creative Solutions

  • Facilitator: Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

13:50 Break

14:05 U.S. Student View: Practical Tips for Developing International Student Services 

  • Ava Asmus, 2024-25 Fulbright-LUT University Graduate Award 
  • Andrew Greene, 2024-25 Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award
  • Katelyn Moje, 2024-25 Fulbright-LUT University Graduate Award 
  • Natalie Schirmacher, 2024-25 Fulbright-Tampere University Graduate Award
  • Jack Donell, Exchange Student from the University of Southern California at Aalto University
  • Facilitator: Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

Small Group Discussions: Sharing Inspirational Practices 

15:10 Discussion in Small Groups on Best Practices and Next Steps in Establishing/Developing Partnerships with U.S. Institutions 

  • Facilitator: Leasa Weimer, Director for Global Partnerships, University of Denver, Colorado; Fulbright U.S. Fellow 2011-12 and Fulbright Finland Foundation staff alum 

15:50 Closing Words

16:00 End of Workshop

16:15 – 18:00  Networking Reception Hosted by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture  


Please register for the event by filling out this form by February 27, 2025. Please note that space is limited, so be sure to register early to secure your spot.


Speaker bio: Leasa Weimer

Person with dark, short curly hair and blue shirt smiling










Leasa Weimer is the Director for Global Partnerships at the University of Denver, Colorado, USA, and provides strategic thought-leadership and vision to develop an integrated partnership approach. Previously, she worked in Europe for over a decade, holding positions at the Fulbright Commission in Helsinki, the European Association for International Education (EAIE), and as a research fellow at the University of Jyväskylä. She has authored/edited numerous international publications and was a Principal Investigator for research projects with the Finnish Ministry for Education and Culture and UNESCO. Weimer holds a doctorate from the University of Georgia, USA, and received a Fulbright grant to conduct her dissertation fieldwork in Finland. She also received an Erasmus Mundus joint master's degree, where she lived and studied in Norway, Finland, and Portugal and served as the president of the Erasmus Mundus Student & Alumni Association.

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Row of logos and flags, from left to right: U.S. flag, the U.S. Department of State, USAStudyAbroad, Fulbright Finland Foundation and Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland and Finnish flag

These activities are funded in part through the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and a U.S. Study Abroad Engagement Grant from USA Study Abroad within the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.